FIC White Book 2015


Zagreb, 29 May 2015 - In the premises of the Zagreb Museum Mimara Foreign Investors Council in Croatia organized a presentation of the White Book on the business and investment climate and barriers for investments in Croatia. Along with the hosts of the presentation Mr. Mladen Fogec, President of the Foreign Investors Council in Croatia and Ms. Malin Holmberg, President of Tele2, the presentaiton was attended by Mr. Milan Račić, CEO of the company Indium, Mr. Damir Novinić, director of the Agency for investments and competitiveness and others. Along with representatives of member companies of the Foreign Investors Council, the presentation of the White Book was attended by more than 100 dignitaries and representatives of Croatian and European companies and institutions.

The report was presented by Mr. Mladen Fogec, President of the of Foreign Investors Council and CEO of Siemens saying that the biggest problem is related to the percepcion of the public, because the majority of people still have a poor perception towards foreign investors and capital. He explained the importance of FDI in the development of a country and the need to start thinking in the «European» way. Among the key obstacles for foreign investments in the last year a big importance was allocated to legal uncertainty, which in the opinion of investors, has deteriorated in relation to 2013, then the tax liability, the parafiscal charges, public administration and the judiciary, and the labor issue which achieved certain progress.

President of the Board of Tele2 and a member of the Executive Board of the Foreign Investors Council, Ms. Malin Holmberg, stated she sees some positive trends in the Croatian economy in the last few months and hopes that they will continue.

Mr. Milan Račić, CEO of the company Indium, singled out the issue of communication at all levels in which there are missing messages, including one that capital is not the enemy.

The Director of the Investment Agency Mr. Damir Novinić said that, although the law changes are presented as a problem, on the other hand, they are necessary if we want to improve the investment climate. Out of the proposed 300 amendments 100 of them were implemented. In addition, the fiscal charges were reduced by 400 million, while this year they will be additionally reduced by 270 million with the initial six billion.

Foreign Investors Council continues with its advocacy activites and recommendations presented in the White Book, communication and analysis, regulatory impact assessments, and consultations with the mission of the European Commission and other key stakeholders to directly improve the business climate in Croatia.

FIC White Book 2015